Marca da LaserSoft Imaging, Alemanha
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Information according to German "Teleservices Act"
Teleservice Provider
LaserSoft Imaging AG
Luisenweg 6-8
24105 Kiel
Phone: (+49)-(0)431-56009-0
Fax: (+49)-(0)431-56009-96
Email: info 'at'
Management Board / Legal Representatives
Karl-Heinz Zahorsky, President & CEO
Helga Bischof, Vice-President
Commercial Register
Amtsgericht Kiel HRB5739
VAT Number
DE 134898309
Platform for out-of-court online dispute resolutions
The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolutions (OS platform), which can be accessed at Our e-mail address registered on the OS platform is We participate in the dispute settlement procedure. You can find a list with the contact details of the recognized dispute resolution bodies at